Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Volunteers Needed!

There are 2 volunteer opportunities available to everyone:

-Gallery Intern, Salon de Refuses Show: The Carroll Arts Center, host of our Salon de Refuses Show, has asked me to find 2-3 volunteers to act as "gallery interns." Duties include: collecting work accepted into the Salon show, physically taking the work over to the Carroll Arts Center before Tuesday April 19th, meeting with Susan Williamson (Director of CCAC) to go over how to hang/install work, and installing the show at CCAC on Tues-Weds 4/19-4/20.

-Admitted Student Days: There are two Admitted Student Days on Sunday March 27th and Sunday April 10th. On these days, students tour the campus with their families and we get a chance to show off the art department. There are two departmental introductory sessions at 3:45 and 4:30; each runs for 30 mins. During this time, on both days, it would be GREAT if there could be students working in the studio building from 3:30-5:30 so these admitted students can actually see the studio in action. Please show up and work during this time (and other times!) if you can.

Please let me know if you're interested in anything!

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