Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Call for Entries: 12 12 Gallery, International Juried Exhibition on Works on Paper

12 12 GALLERY announces an open call to all artists creating works on paper, the International Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper 2011. The exhibition juror, Dan Welden, Master Printmaker and Director of Hampton Editions, Ltd, will award up to $1000 in cash prizes.

Artists around the world, age 18+, may submit up to 3 images of works on paper to be considered for the exhibition. For the purposes of this exhibition, works on paper include, but are not limited to, monotypes, photography using any photographic process, hand-pulled prints from any printmaking process (etching, solarplate, linocut, lithographs, etc), watercolor, acrylic, or oil on paper. Additional images may be submitted at additional cost for up to a total of 5 works. Work previously exhibited at 12 12 Gallery is not eligible.

ENTRY PROCEDURE Entrants are asked to submit digital images on CD, DVD or online ONLY. Only one image may be submitted for each work.

Preparing Digital Files. Composition and artistic merit will be evaluated by high resolution digital images. Generate a digital file of each image at a resolution of 300 ppi, with the longest dimension being 1900 pixels. Save the file in JPG format, at the maximum quality level, which results in a compressed final image size that is approximately 2MB. Label each file with the last name, first initial, and the number corresponding to the entry number (e.g. SmithJ1). Please identify images on the entry form with the title of the work.

Mailed or Hand-Delivered Entries. CD or DVD, completed entry form, entry fee, and SASE (for return of CD and notification) must be postmarked by Friday, April 15, 2011 and sent to 12 12 Gallery, Zero E. 4th Street #39, Richmond, Virginia, 23224.

Online Entries. In the body of an e-mail, include your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. In this e-mail, please provide file title, work title, medium, framed work size, and sales price for each image you wish to submit. To this e-mail you will attach the images of the work that correspond to this information. Send e-mail with information listed above by 1159PM on Friday, April 15, 2011 to

Entry Fee and Payment. Each entrant is required to pay a non-refundable $25 (US) entry fee for 3 images. Additional images may be submitted at $5 (US) each for up to a total of 3 images.

Payment of entry fee will be accepted via PayPal at the gallery account (, personal check (US only), or money order (including international money orders in US dollars) mailed to the gallery by the postmark deadline of Friday, April 15, 2011.

SALES All work must be for sale. 12 12 Gallery will receive a 35% commission on the sale of any work.

OTHER CONDITIONS Entry forms may be photocopied. Incomplete entries or unlabeled images will not be considered. Please note that images of accepted work may be retained for publicity purposes and will be returned after the exhibition closes. Entries will not be returned without SASE and adequate postage. Artists who do not provide SASE for notification will be notified of acceptance by e-mail.

AWARDS Cash prizes up to $1000 will be awarded solely at the discretion of the exhibition juror. Recognition of work by Mr. Welden may also be designated to the extent he deems appropriate. These designations may not include a cash prize.

ACCEPTED WORK must be properly framed and wired ready for hanging. 12 12 Gallery reserves the right not to exhibit work that it deems unsuitable for exhibition.

QUESTIONS Contact the gallery by e-mail at for more information or if you have questions regarding the exhibition or the prospectus.

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