Sunday, March 6, 2011

Midterm Grading Criteria

To keep my grading as transparent as possible, here's everything that will be reflected by your midterm grade:

Relief print, thumbnails: 5 points
Relief print, sketchbook: 50 points
Relief print, final edition of 5: 100 points
Intaglio print, thumbnails: 5 points
Intaglio print, sketchbook: 50 points

Total: 210 points
I'll also factor in any extra credit you've done-- blog posts are 1 point, attending artist talks are 5 points. I'm also looking at your attendance record, including tardiness. See the grading criteria and attendance policy listed in our syllabus.

If you have any questions about your midterm grade, which I will submit next week, please see me during my office hours.

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