Saturday, March 12, 2011

Juried Show & Salon des Refuses Show: FAQ

Remember to pick up your work from the Gallery by 4 pm on Monday March 21.

What do I do if my piece gets in to the Undergraduate Juried Show?
If accepted, you are required to return the work to the Rice Gallery by Friday April 1, matted and framed, or matted under glass (backed with foam core and attached to glass with mirror clips). Frames should be black or natural wood and mats should be white or middle gray. If your painting is larger than 48" in any direction it doesn't need to be framed, but should have painted sides. If you have any questions about framing, just ask! Work returned unframed or not framed accordingly will be not included in the exhibition.

What do I do if my work was rejected from the Undergrad Show?
If your work was not accepted, one piece that you entered has been accepted into the Salon Des Refuses show. Same guidelines for framing apply for the Salon show, with some variations listed below. Any work not accepted into the Salon show will unfortunately not be included in the student juried shows this year.

So what's the deal with this Salon des Refuses show?
The Salon des Refuses show (or "Exhibition for Rejects") will take place at the Carroll County Arts Center on Main St. in town from April 21-May 11. Work must be dropped off BEFORE TUESDAY APRIL 19th to be included in the show. I may be appointing a student or two to collect work and take it over to the CCAC and will keep you all updated. Work must be ready for installation--framed, wire backing, no saw hooks. The opening reception will take place on Thursday April 21st at 6 pm. You must pick up your work from CCAC by May 15th or it will be thrown away!

When's the opening reception for the Juried Show?
The opening reception and awards presentation will take place on Tuesday April 5th at 7 pm in the Rice Gallery. Best in Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, 2 Honorable Mentions, and 1 Foundation Award will be given. The show closes on April 15h. All work must be picked up and removed from the gallery by 4 pm on April 15h.

Are there awards for the Salon show?
Yes, there will be awards given out at the Salon show. The CCAC will judge the work and hand out awards at the opening reception.

Unfortunately the quantity of work entered this year was disappointing, so THANK YOU again to everyone who did make the effort to get their work up to the gallery to be juried. If your work was not accepted, don't be discouraged--you never know what sort of work jurors are looking for and why they picked what they did over the other work entered. What matters is that you put your work out there and tried. Good luck and please comply with the timelines and framing guidelines.

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