Thursday, March 31, 2011

Internship Opportunity: School 33 Art Center in B-more

Position Description
School 33 Art Center Intern – Summer 2011 Semester
(Mid-May through Mid-August)

The School 33 Art Center internship is a part-time unpaid practicum. Projects include but are not limited to:

• Assist with logistics for major events such as the LOTTA ART Benefit and Open Studio Tour. Duties will entail working on promotion of events and enlisting community involvement, and working with Exhibitions Coordinator in the coordination of artists participation.

• Assist the Exhibition Coordinator with various aspects of the Gallery Exhibition Program. Duties will include help in organizing for open calls for submissions, posting exhibition announcements and call for entries on line, working on press releases, assisting Exhibition Coordinator in the installation and lighting of exhibitions, assisting at receptions and events, as well as help document receptions and exhibitions.

• Assist the Education coordinator with various aspects of the Education program including After School Art for children. Duties will entail promotion of program, assisting with revitalization of classroom spaces, working on press releases, assisting with registration, photographing After School Art workshops.

• Undertake other projects as needed for the Administrative staff of School 33 Art Center.

• Update and create copy for School 33’s website.

• Assist with our fundraising and development programs. Help manage our day-to-day membership correspondence, maintain master database, and respond to guests and visitors requests for more information about our center.

• Assist staff with typical office duties such as sending out mailings, answering phone, making copies, organizing/storage, and transmitting faxes and emails.

We are looking for a reliable, self-directed, fast learner. Experience with PC platform, databases, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Suites is especially helpful. Interest in contemporary art and arts/non-profit administration a plus. This internship is unpaid and can be done for credit if desired. A minimum of 14 hours a week is required; hours are flexible but the student must commit to a schedule in advance. Student will be reimbursed for parking or given a MTA pass for days that they are interning at School 33. If interested in applying, please email cover letter and resume to no later than April 15, 2011.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Attention Graphic Design Students!! AIGA Baltimore: Mini-Portfolio Reviews

The Professional Association of Design has scheduled Spring Portfolio reviews for April 30th! Please spread the word to students!

This year's event is sponsored by University of Baltimore and a portion of the cost of the event goes to urban youth art/design/media programming. Please let me know if you have any questions! Sign up now, space is filling up!

Saturday, April 30, 2011 — April 30, 2011 9 am - 3 pm
UB / Liberal Arts and Policy Building / 3rd floor
10 West Preston (Northwest corner of Charles and Preston Streets)
Baltimore, MD 21217

In other news, MICA in East Baltimore will be hosting a Panel on Social Design with some fantastic speakers coming up. Stay tuned, this event is geared towards students and professionals and introduces information on the new MA in Social Design program at MICA. Save the Date: April 27th!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello Again, Here is a link to The Fridge. See you in the morning, Amy
Hello Fellow Printmakers! I heard about this on the radio this morning and thought you may be interested. It is a show in DC featuring contemporary paintings and prints. It is at The Fridge Gallery in southwest DC. More information can be found at in the Art Beat section. Enjoy, Amy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Call for Entries: 12 12 Gallery, International Juried Exhibition on Works on Paper

12 12 GALLERY announces an open call to all artists creating works on paper, the International Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper 2011. The exhibition juror, Dan Welden, Master Printmaker and Director of Hampton Editions, Ltd, will award up to $1000 in cash prizes.

Artists around the world, age 18+, may submit up to 3 images of works on paper to be considered for the exhibition. For the purposes of this exhibition, works on paper include, but are not limited to, monotypes, photography using any photographic process, hand-pulled prints from any printmaking process (etching, solarplate, linocut, lithographs, etc), watercolor, acrylic, or oil on paper. Additional images may be submitted at additional cost for up to a total of 5 works. Work previously exhibited at 12 12 Gallery is not eligible.

ENTRY PROCEDURE Entrants are asked to submit digital images on CD, DVD or online ONLY. Only one image may be submitted for each work.

Preparing Digital Files. Composition and artistic merit will be evaluated by high resolution digital images. Generate a digital file of each image at a resolution of 300 ppi, with the longest dimension being 1900 pixels. Save the file in JPG format, at the maximum quality level, which results in a compressed final image size that is approximately 2MB. Label each file with the last name, first initial, and the number corresponding to the entry number (e.g. SmithJ1). Please identify images on the entry form with the title of the work.

Mailed or Hand-Delivered Entries. CD or DVD, completed entry form, entry fee, and SASE (for return of CD and notification) must be postmarked by Friday, April 15, 2011 and sent to 12 12 Gallery, Zero E. 4th Street #39, Richmond, Virginia, 23224.

Online Entries. In the body of an e-mail, include your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. In this e-mail, please provide file title, work title, medium, framed work size, and sales price for each image you wish to submit. To this e-mail you will attach the images of the work that correspond to this information. Send e-mail with information listed above by 1159PM on Friday, April 15, 2011 to

Entry Fee and Payment. Each entrant is required to pay a non-refundable $25 (US) entry fee for 3 images. Additional images may be submitted at $5 (US) each for up to a total of 3 images.

Payment of entry fee will be accepted via PayPal at the gallery account (, personal check (US only), or money order (including international money orders in US dollars) mailed to the gallery by the postmark deadline of Friday, April 15, 2011.

SALES All work must be for sale. 12 12 Gallery will receive a 35% commission on the sale of any work.

OTHER CONDITIONS Entry forms may be photocopied. Incomplete entries or unlabeled images will not be considered. Please note that images of accepted work may be retained for publicity purposes and will be returned after the exhibition closes. Entries will not be returned without SASE and adequate postage. Artists who do not provide SASE for notification will be notified of acceptance by e-mail.

AWARDS Cash prizes up to $1000 will be awarded solely at the discretion of the exhibition juror. Recognition of work by Mr. Welden may also be designated to the extent he deems appropriate. These designations may not include a cash prize.

ACCEPTED WORK must be properly framed and wired ready for hanging. 12 12 Gallery reserves the right not to exhibit work that it deems unsuitable for exhibition.

QUESTIONS Contact the gallery by e-mail at for more information or if you have questions regarding the exhibition or the prospectus.

Student Awards: Time to Apply!

Every year, students are eligible to submit their portfolios for consideration for the following Art Department Awards:

The Wentz Most Promising Freshman Art Award
Endowed by Harold Wentz, this award is determined by the faculty of the Department of Art and Art History. The award goes to the student that, as a freshman, shows the most promise. (You do not have to be a decided Art major to apply for this award)

Outstanding Sophomore Award
A two hundred dollar award (for art supplies and/or books from the school book store which can be used during the junior and/or senior years of the recipient.) A 3.0 GPA in your art classes is required.

The Wasyl Palijczuk Art Award
Open to juniors who are art majors. This award is given to an outstanding art major who is currently completing their junior year.

The M. Louise Shipley Art Award for Excellence
This prestigious award was initiated in 1974 by Wasyl Palijczuk to recognize the many years of service by M. Louise Shipley, as a teacher and department head. The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding art student of the year and encourage others to strive for excellence in art. The award is in the amount of $250 cash. The candidate must be a graduating senior art major and must have met the requirements for departmental honors.

The submission deadline is FRIDAY MARCH 25 at 4:30 pm. Please drop off your work in the Rice Gallery

You should include what you feel is your absolute best work--we can meet individually and pick out pieces if need be--and submit roughly 10 pieces. Award winners will be chosen on Monday and you must pick up your work on Monday afternoon from the gallery. The awards will be given out at the student awards ceremony in April.

Please let me know if you have any questions and SUBMIT YOUR WORK IF YOU'RE ELIGIBLE!!!!

Opportunity: Carroll Arts Center/ Carroll County Times Mailbox Project

To honor the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Carroll County Times, the Carroll Arts Center is collaborating with the Times to have the newspaper boxes on Main Street downtown painted in creative and whimsical ways. Here's all of the info that was forwarded to me:

Boxes will be available after March 27th. They are about 3' tall and heavier than you might think. Finished boxes must be done by May 23. Thee boxes can be delivered to your home/school or you can pick one up. They will be put on view prior to the May 30 Memorial Day parade.
Due to how the boxes are positioned on the street, some have 1 or more sides that are not visible to the passerby (we suggest you paint that side a solid color complementary to your overall design). If your box has a "non-visible" side, it will be clearly marked. Let Susan know ASAP is you MUST have a specific number of sides for your design and we will do our best to give you a box that fits yours needs.
Keep in mind that boxes may require some light sanding and a primer coat before starting. We hope designs will last one year, so we suggest you use an oil based paint like Rustoleum and seal them with a water-based sealer, although, if you have a tried and true system, please use it.
Be creative and fanciful, but keep in mind that designs must be appropriate for community viewing and in no way objectionable to anyone. Your design can certainly include your signature! Please do not glue on any 3-d objects or adornments as part of your design. Paint only please. The "window" section cannot be painted. The Carroll County Times readers will be able to vote for their favorites from all 12 entries. The CCT is determining that the prize will be. Good luck!

Please let me know if you're interested in participating ASAP! This would be a great thing for the Art Club to participate in...
Here's a link to an article about a town that's done this project before:

Volunteers Needed!

There are 2 volunteer opportunities available to everyone:

-Gallery Intern, Salon de Refuses Show: The Carroll Arts Center, host of our Salon de Refuses Show, has asked me to find 2-3 volunteers to act as "gallery interns." Duties include: collecting work accepted into the Salon show, physically taking the work over to the Carroll Arts Center before Tuesday April 19th, meeting with Susan Williamson (Director of CCAC) to go over how to hang/install work, and installing the show at CCAC on Tues-Weds 4/19-4/20.

-Admitted Student Days: There are two Admitted Student Days on Sunday March 27th and Sunday April 10th. On these days, students tour the campus with their families and we get a chance to show off the art department. There are two departmental introductory sessions at 3:45 and 4:30; each runs for 30 mins. During this time, on both days, it would be GREAT if there could be students working in the studio building from 3:30-5:30 so these admitted students can actually see the studio in action. Please show up and work during this time (and other times!) if you can.

Please let me know if you're interested in anything!

Opportunity: Manchester Valley High School

This is a message from Michele Gribben. Her email is; email her if you're interested in participating.

I am working with a group of parents from Manchester Valley High School to organize the first ever After-Prom Party.
Our goal is to provide an alcohol free safe environment for the kids to hang out and have fun after the prom. It will be held at the school on May 21-22 from 11:30 pm to 6 am. Someone suggested the idea of face painting and/or caricature art. We have looked into hiring some artists but we are working on a limited budget. We have had many generous food and prize donations from the community but still have a lot of expenses to put on the party. I was wondering if we had an art club or any students who might be willing to do some community service or who might be able to donate some of their time to our event.
We might be able to pay something just not a lot.

Monday, March 21, 2011

NY Trip Paper

Your gallery/exhibition review from a show you see in NYC is due Tuesday April 12. Remember, if you can't make the NYC trip, you've got to go to an art museum in DC or Baltimore and write about a show you see there. 1-2 pages, be critical (what did you like? What didn't you like? Why?), describe the show, etc. This paper is worth 20 points. Hard copies only; no emailing papers!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

NYC Trip: Saturday March 26th

Our annual trip to NYC is coming up! I've made a list of shows that will be up during our visit:

Robert Mangold: Ring Paintings at the Pace Gallery 32 East 57th St*
Christina Iglesias at Marian Goodman Gallery 24 West 57th St
John Chamberlain at Paula Cooper Gallery, 534 West 21st St
Malevich and the American Legacy at Gagosian Gallery, 980 Madison Ave
Rudolf Stingel at Gagosian Gallery, 555 West 24th St
Gary Hill at Gladstone Gallery, 515 West 24th St
Proofs and Refutations at David Zwirner, 519 West 19th St*
Kenneth Noland at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 534 West 26th St*
Karen Kilimnik at 303 Gallery, 547 West 21st St
Isaac Julien at Metro Pictures, 519 West 24th St
David Altmejd at Andrea Rosen Gallery, 525 West 24th St*
Peter Halley: Four Decades of Drawing at Gering & Lopez Gallery, 730 Fifth Ave*
Jose Parla at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, 505 West 24th St
Tomory Dodge at CRG gallery, 548 West 22nd St
Titus Kaphar: Classical Disruption at Friedman Benda Gallery, 515 West 26th St
Mona Hatoum: Bourj at Alexander and Bonin, 132 Tenth Ave
Silvia Bachli: Fjall at Peter Freeman, Inc. 560 Broadway*
Claudette Schreuders: Close, Close at Jack Shainman Gallery, 513 West 20th St
Michael Eastman: Havana 2010 at Barry Friedman Ltd, 515 West 26th St
Unpainted Paintings at Luxembourg & Dayan, 64 East 77th St*
Longing for Identity: Postwar Japanese Photography at Yoshii Gallery, 980 Madison Ave
Ali Banisadr at Leslie Tonkonow Artworks+Projects, 535 West 22nd St
Sze Tsung Leong: Cities at Yossi Milo Gallery, 525 West 25th St*
Margherita Manzelli: L’ape e la rosa at Kimmerich, 50 White St
Lynne Woods Turner: New Paintings & Drawings at Danese Gallery, 535 West 24th St
Paul Kolker: Let There Be Light! at Studio 601, 511 West 25th St*
Donald Judd at Van de Weghe Fine Art, 1018 Madison Ave @ 78th St*
James Siena at the Pace Gallery, 510 West 26th St*
Esteban Vicente: The Garden Paintings at Ameringer McHenry Yohe, 525 W 22nd St
Les Devins at Schroeder Romero & Shredder, 531 West 26th St
Robert Cottingham at Forum Gallery, 730 Fifth Ave, Second Floor
Donald Sultan: New Works at Mary Ryan Gallery, 527 West 26th St
Drawn From Photography at the Drawing Center, 35 Wooster St

2 Photo shows at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Ave at 82nd St
-There’s a drawing and print show here too
Highlights from the collection at the Guggenheim Museum, 1071 5th Ave at 89th St
Lynda Benglis and George Condo at the New Museum, 235 Bowery*
Glenn Ligon: AMERICA at the Whitney Museum, 945 Madison Ave at 75th St *

The bus departs from the parking lot beside Harrison House promptly at 8 am. We'll be dropped off uptown, probably by the Whitney Museum. The bus will depart from the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 8 pm that evening. If you've never been to NYC before, print out a map for yourself and here's a link to a map of the subway system:

Shows with a * beside them denote shows that I'm going to try to see. If you make your way down to Chelsea, you could spend literally allllllll afternoon going in and out of the hundreds of galleries (between roughly 19th-30th Streets, between 10th and 11th Avenues).

Remember that you are required to write a Gallery Review of a show you see on the trip. 1-2 pages, double-spaced, describe what you see, but also be critical (did you like it? Why or why not?). If you cannot make it to the NY trip, you must go to a Baltimore or DC art museum and write about an exhibit you see there. Paper due date TBD.

Juried Show & Salon des Refuses Show: FAQ

Remember to pick up your work from the Gallery by 4 pm on Monday March 21.

What do I do if my piece gets in to the Undergraduate Juried Show?
If accepted, you are required to return the work to the Rice Gallery by Friday April 1, matted and framed, or matted under glass (backed with foam core and attached to glass with mirror clips). Frames should be black or natural wood and mats should be white or middle gray. If your painting is larger than 48" in any direction it doesn't need to be framed, but should have painted sides. If you have any questions about framing, just ask! Work returned unframed or not framed accordingly will be not included in the exhibition.

What do I do if my work was rejected from the Undergrad Show?
If your work was not accepted, one piece that you entered has been accepted into the Salon Des Refuses show. Same guidelines for framing apply for the Salon show, with some variations listed below. Any work not accepted into the Salon show will unfortunately not be included in the student juried shows this year.

So what's the deal with this Salon des Refuses show?
The Salon des Refuses show (or "Exhibition for Rejects") will take place at the Carroll County Arts Center on Main St. in town from April 21-May 11. Work must be dropped off BEFORE TUESDAY APRIL 19th to be included in the show. I may be appointing a student or two to collect work and take it over to the CCAC and will keep you all updated. Work must be ready for installation--framed, wire backing, no saw hooks. The opening reception will take place on Thursday April 21st at 6 pm. You must pick up your work from CCAC by May 15th or it will be thrown away!

When's the opening reception for the Juried Show?
The opening reception and awards presentation will take place on Tuesday April 5th at 7 pm in the Rice Gallery. Best in Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, 2 Honorable Mentions, and 1 Foundation Award will be given. The show closes on April 15h. All work must be picked up and removed from the gallery by 4 pm on April 15h.

Are there awards for the Salon show?
Yes, there will be awards given out at the Salon show. The CCAC will judge the work and hand out awards at the opening reception.

Unfortunately the quantity of work entered this year was disappointing, so THANK YOU again to everyone who did make the effort to get their work up to the gallery to be juried. If your work was not accepted, don't be discouraged--you never know what sort of work jurors are looking for and why they picked what they did over the other work entered. What matters is that you put your work out there and tried. Good luck and please comply with the timelines and framing guidelines.

Undergraduate Juried Show: Jurying Completed!

Seth Crawford and Jonathan Stonely were on campus today to judge the work entered into the Katherine Wentz Undergraduate Juried Show. Unfortunately, there were not a lot of entries submitted and since Seth and Jon were very, very selective, this will be the smallest Juried show in recent years. THANK YOU to those of you who did enter work and be sure to pick up your pieces on MONDAY MARCH 21! I'll be posting information about the Salon des Refuses show soon.

McClain's Printmaking Supplies

Great place for relief printmaking supplies!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Out of Order at Maryland Art Place: Call for Artists and Volunteers

Call For Artists
For one day only, Tuesday, March 29, 7am – Midnight, the gallery is open for a do-it-yourself installation on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any artist is invited to participate by installing one piece for a small fee of $10. During the event, all artwork installed will be made available for sale in our highly anticipated silent auction. Proceeds from the sale of the work will be split 50/50 with the artist. Each participating artist will receive one free ticket to the event on Friday, April 1.

Installation Guidelines:
Only one original piece of artwork can be submitted per artist. Artist must be present to hang their own work. (Or, give permission to a friend who can fill out the artist loan agreement completely)
All 2-D and 3-D artwork is welcome, as well as jewelry, ceramics, media, etc., with maximum dimensions of 30" x 30" x 30".
Work must be ready to hang (i.e. hangers and wire securely attached). MAP will provide all necessary hardware for installation, however, the artist is responsible for hanging their own work. Please note, a limited number of pedestals and electrical outlets are available and cannot be reserved ahead of time.
All work must be available for sale and should be reasonably priced.
MAP reserves the right to refuse to exhibit work deemed inappropriate.

Call For Volunteers
MAP is looking for volunteers to assist in running the gallery in three-hour shifts throughout the 7am - Midnight installation period on Tuesday, March 29. Volunteers are responsible for helping artists complete their loan agreements, assisting with installation, answering phones, and general administrative assistance.

In exchange for your services, we provide: complimentary parking during your shift, free admittance to the party on Friday, April 1, food and drinks, along with the opportunity to mingle with artists and other great volunteers!

We also need volunteers to help with the party on Friday, also in three-hour shifts, beginning at 5pm until 1am. Volunteers are asked to assist with signing guests in and selling tickets, bartending, closing the silent auction, wrapping artwork, and providing general assistance to make the evening run smoothly. We ask those volunteers with bartending experience to notify us particularly of those skills (and you can keep your tips!). After your shift ends, we invite you to relax and join us in an entertaining evening filled with great art, music, food, and an open wine and beer bar!

If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up ASAP (by March 25th) by contacting Emily at or by calling 410.962.8565. Please also make plans to attend a Volunteer Orientation session on Saturday, March 26th at 2:00pm. Further details will be provided upon registration.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I thought this was an interesting site with some nice pictures of prints - intaglio, lithography, and silk screening. It also shows some prints using aquatint, drypoint, and mezzotint.

Printmaker to look up: James Bailey

James Bailey is a printmaker who combines processes (like silkscreen, relief, collagraph, collage, etc) in his work. His relief prints are awesome--really intricate and dynamic. Look under 'Portfolio', then 'Prints', then 'Strata Series' to see how he uses all of these different techniques to create his pieces.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Midterm Grading Criteria

To keep my grading as transparent as possible, here's everything that will be reflected by your midterm grade:

Relief print, thumbnails: 5 points
Relief print, sketchbook: 50 points
Relief print, final edition of 5: 100 points
Intaglio print, thumbnails: 5 points
Intaglio print, sketchbook: 50 points

Total: 210 points
I'll also factor in any extra credit you've done-- blog posts are 1 point, attending artist talks are 5 points. I'm also looking at your attendance record, including tardiness. See the grading criteria and attendance policy listed in our syllabus.

If you have any questions about your midterm grade, which I will submit next week, please see me during my office hours.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Intaglio, Drypoint, and Etching!

**This is an Intaglio, drypoint, and aquatint printed from a copper plate.
     ** Fantasy, Sydney Long, 1917

**This is an aquatint
     **Graffiti New York, Ryan Conlin, 2008
**This is an etching
    **A Walk in Central Park,  DeAnne Prosia

I love New York so naturally I wanted to find pieces that had to do with the subject. It is amazing how detailed one can get when etching and engraving. I hope this inspires you to print something that you love. Boom!    -Nic :)

Andy Holtin Lecture TOMORROW!

Our first visiting artist of the semester, Andy Holtin, is speaking TOMORROW, Wednesday 3/2 at 7:30 pm in Peterson! Extra Credit for printmakers who attend, so spare an hour and come show your support!